API Documentation

Single IP Lookup

You can call the API by sending HTTP GET requests to https://whomyip.com/api/v1/search/[IP address]

[IP address] can be an IPv4 or IPv6 address, or none to use the current IP address.

API Request Limit

Your API subscription allows you to make up to **100 requests per minute**. Once you exceed this limit, further requests will be blocked until the next minute.

If you need a higher request limit, consider upgrading your subscription plan.

API URL Structure

To call the API, simply send a GET request to the following URL:


Replace [IP_address] with the desired IP address. If you leave the [IP_address] part empty, the API will return information for your current IP address.

Example Queries in Different Languages

Your API token is used to authenticate you with our API and can be provided either as an HTTP Basic Auth username, a bearer token, or alternatively as a token URL parameter.

cURL Example
curl -X GET "https://whomyip.com/api/v1/search/" -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY"
Python Example
import requests

url = "https://whomyip.com/api/v1/search/"
headers = {
    "Authorization": "Bearer YOUR_API_KEY"
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
PHP Example
$url = "https://whomyip.com/api/v1/search/";
$options = [
    "http" => [
        "header" => "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY"
$context = stream_context_create($options);
$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;
JavaScript Example (Fetch)
fetch('https://whomyip.com/api/v1/search/', {
    method: 'GET',
    headers: {
        'Authorization': 'Bearer YOUR_API_KEY'
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => console.log(data))
.catch(error => console.error('Error:', error));
Node.js Example
const fetch = require('node-fetch');

const url = "https://whomyip.com/api/v1/search/";
const headers = {
    "Authorization": "Bearer YOUR_API_KEY"

fetch(url, { method: 'GET', headers })
    .then(res => res.json())
    .then(json => console.log(json))
    .catch(err => console.error('Error:', err));
Contact via E-mail

If you need to send us mail regarding job opportunities, please write to us at support@devloader.com for more information.

Contact via Phone

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